segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Conversation in a prison

Two persons:

One – Hi, how is it gonig?

Two – So, so. (desanimado)

One – I need to talk with you, but let's go to my cell.

They enter in the cell.

Two – So? (sem muito interesse)

One – I have a plan to get out of here!

Two - So! (espantado)

One – Exatly, we going home! But the plan will only work in a specific day!

Two – So?! (impaciente)

One – Must be in a eclipse day.

Two – So! (espantado e alegre).

One – That's right! It's tomorrow, but don't say anything, we need to disguise.

Two – So. (numa expressão convidativa).

One – You're right, let's go sleep. Goodnight.

They fall asleep.

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